Multi-structure with movement of bird and surrounding air

  There is various size of time with movement of bird and surrounding air.

   @ Time larger than beating period
      continuous beating-, intermittent beating-,gliding-, diving-, takeoff-,
      landing-flight, etc.

   A Time comparative with beating period
      extension-contraction of joints in writ・elbow・shoulder, temporal change
      of chord・angle of attack・curve which may be different toward span
      direction, folding-spreading of wing, separation of feathers with slit, etc.

    B Time smaller than beating period
      appearance-disappearance of lift or drag (circulation or wake), etc.

  The mechanical action and effect with the movement in smaller time
 should be accumulated and averaged, and they should appear in the action
 and effect at larger time.

  For small sized bird, B approaches to A, then the mechanical action
 and effect are complicated.

  The beating flight looks like the airplane at time of @, but it is different
 entirely at time of A or B.
 (This is characteristic of multi-structural phenomenon.)

  The visible flying pose is restricted with respect to the size of time.
 The flying pose that looks at short time (snapshot, pictre, sculpture) is
 different from that looks at long time (TV, video,movie).

  The flying bird and the surrounding air possess multi-structure with
 respect to the length, too and it should make up solid-formative beauty
 (form and color) that is proper to birds.
